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.Saturday, July 21, 2012 @ 1:16 AM Y

Today's topic is Life....
There has lots of kind of life ..it the matter which want you want it to be...example we have happy and simple life ,complicated life and more ....if you choose to be happy and you will be..i know some of you say that being happy and smiling will not be such a easy thing to do ..but it all depends on you..you are the one to create your own personal life..having a complicated life is not to say no good but do you ever feel happy...think about it ...maybe you do ...but when you grow older you will get the feeling that is very lonely ...if you ever had a complicated life ..go on be happy ..doesn't mean that you can't be happy...we as human has how many ten years to spend ?we must appreciate of life ..we do not have much time..for example,this is about myself, .i live in a simple and nice house ...i spend my days doin what i want to ..so what are waiting for..i love my parent n my family..but i always get scolding from my family members especially my aunt ,she is the one who correct my wrongs....she teach me lot of her experience with her client and more ...my mum is incredible ..she just such a great person who is kind and nice....although my family  have some problem last time ..now it have vanish but i can't tell you ..it's a top secret ...Do you all want to know why until now i'm still  happy and smiling every day although i get scolding from my classmates,friend or even family ..i still show the same old face to them... it's because i want to choose a happy life and also fun...maybe you will say that i'm just pretanding ..oke ..suit yourself ..anyway its not my life...or maybe you will say that ''of course you can lead a happy life just because of you have a good family'' .. i might take that as a NO ..its all about you...i may have a great family but sometimes good family has also problems with each other ..but it's  not about me..a bad family sometimes can be good also....if you have family problem ..call out a family meeting or whatever that you can solve the problem not to run from it..if your parent was to separate ..you have to follow which one that treat you the most best...my meaning is not money only ...if you have parents that like to torture you ..run.. run to your other relatives that can help you...you must be brave to stay alive on this planet... not only that .. maybe some family problem come from what they want to become ...example..your parents want you to become a doctor..but atcually you want to be a artis...you anwered your parents 'YES' but deeply you think different...i know parents want all the best for their kids but do you ever think what they atcually thinking..maybe some parents want to show off or maybe they want the children to achieve what they can't do anymore...HEY you want to be control by your parents about your life..BUT YOU MUST THINK CAREFULLY NOT TO JOIN NEGATIVE STUFF..i'm just asking you to create you happy life not to ruin it....you must learn which is right and wrong ..if you already pick a ambition ...go ahead ..fight for it ..just tell your parents and tell them everything about it ..make them intrested to it and wishes will come true ...as for studies..your parents might had push you too hard on it because they want you to pass the exam with flying colours...some parent push their kids until they become mental ...STUDY SMART NOT HARD ..but you need to put some effort to it ...for those who might not do well in their studies like me ....work harder and you will achieve what you always wanted..your family will give you strength to carry on your way....BE SMART my friend...it doesn't mean you are bad in your studies you can't achieve anything ..it doesn't mean that you are good in your studies , you can do anything .....its just you that you want to be successful person a not..bring up your sprit ..don be sad ....be happy ...and a happy life leads you to a better environment....my own motivation for those who look down on their life ...ALL PEOPLE HAVE THE SAME LIFE YOU JUST NEED TO FIND YOURS...GET A LIFE FOR YOURSELF ...i hope everyone can have a better life ....if you are happy so as your family....they are always be proud of you and be there when ever you need them ......you should be happy if you have a family because some of the people might be an orphan ...but orphan also can get a nice life why can't you?SEE  YOU SOON ....BB..thats all for today....

.Wednesday, February 1, 2012 @ 12:49 AM Y

This years has passed ...not very peaceful but full of fun and excitement together.......... Lots to remember ....friends were being separated somehow......I remember when i was in form 2 ,i was so nervous because the next year is PMR exam...hahaha..but i also done no really well in form2 because its looks like a honey moon year ... ..Then ...pass a other year and my nightmare comes that is ''PMR'' ..it can be say that i did well but also not .....i was still happythat it just pass...then the fun part starts ...it was like nothing to do after the exam ...we can go for trips after that...before the trips we have lots of games to play at school...one of it is chess
..you want to know why i keep remember it ? its because i take part in it with my friendz...First it like very scare but slowly it became interesting....i learn to play but our group lost at last..but my bestfriend group gets to play the secong round ......The next day ....some of my bestfriend group people never come so me and another friend join her group and play ...the first round is okey ..it continues and i was like....i was thinking when it will end ...my body its like shivering and scare that i am goin to lose...,...then i see that this guy is weaker than me ..i mean weaker in chess ....so i try to win ....this guy is like doesn't wants to give up ...i have check him so many times ...and lastly i say checkmate ..i was so happy to won ..it feels like yay ...we need to fight another time because the score is the same ..and we din't get to the finals again..it was angry of course....and only the trips....all the trips is fun ..one of the trips i thought we get to receive a camera but it impossible....i when with my bestfriends

we enjoy ourself and the trip.....then a year pass again ..,.A happy time sure pass fast right.....it is almost time to take the biggest exam....''SPM'' ..but still have time so i need to study hard for it...Now one of my bestfriend has just left this school...its so sad ..but we have no more time to relex or just be sad.. we have exam to take ..Cheer up..
when i think about it ..the day we have fun together ...its so nice....The last day of her school we bought her some farewell or maybe birthday gift
....we play ..we take lots of pic and videos ...some of them are still crying ......but i still stand up ..i did not cry because she can go for her dream and desire...so i am happy for her.... she is my bestfriend ever ....ooooo.. i almost forgot that my sis in NS(nasional services)muhahaha ...but she says its fun over there.....oh well ...many friends ....
thats all for 3 years i never blogged in..hahaha

have a nice day to all of you ...i will be on my bed ..if you need me but you don't need me because its nothing so will you please excuse me .....

Link tata,friends

.Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 9:56 AM Y

So long never write blog again...the computer cannot play for so many day...Finally,today can play..........but i can only play for a while... haizz....Once my brother come back from pasar pagi then he will play...i have to wait a very long time to play......now my facebook also cannot open

because he opening his facebook.........so boring don't know what to do leh ......I want to see my facebook....but if i open very lag....some more school holiday going to end .......i don't want to

go to school cannot do anything ..suck ......christmas is near who is going to celebrate.....that all...byebye


With thousand of hope you have a nice holiday and have a

new year...... Don't worry be happy always and forever One more thing for my mum HAPPY BIRTHDAY

maybe is a little late but enjoy your birthday cake ....its not real...i wish you a happy and full of sweetest birthday

ever......may all your dream come truth....... tata

.Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 10:09 PM Y

nothing to see.

. @ 9:26 PM Y

HAIZ....So boring ...so long never post already....now almost going to holiday but i got exam before that.........Going to be form 2 already.......i don't want so fast leh.....Now got so many things happen...............sad or happy also got ......when only nothing happen......my eye pain for 1 or 2 days already,now only okey a bit...............i don't want to talk so much lah...........tata

.Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @ 12:42 PM Y

Nica birthday party



Me and my sis make a party at our house...she invite her friends to the party .we have lots of fun.First we,make the water balloon while waiting for her friends.After that you can't believe what i see....A bunch of people walking down to the guard just to pick up a boy name teh-o ais


they are so weird when walking...i and my mother friend waited for they all to come back....finally they're back with nobody and we though we can start now ....then my uncle bring my sis to fetch teh-o ais limau....there they come back....then me and my sis friend use the party popper to scare my sis off ..pop my sis scare her ass off....then we started the party..we play water balloon first ..then we play balloon bursting who lose this game must stand outside and the winning team will take the water balloon and throw at the lose team........too bad my team lose already we have to stand outside...then we play the coins in the ais ..if you never try you don't know how cold it is and whoever lose must drink the soda its not a normal soda ity is a soda that is taste a bit of bitter and tastless and same my team also lose..haizzz...then after that we eat......

then we play true or dare it a funny game though..they ask you to do so many stupid things......lastly we play the lie game that means you have to lie and can't laugh.....It was so funny.........

I hope we can do it again ....it is really fun and i wish you a happy birthday my sis.. lets us can make this party again next year..tq

Eat as much cake as you can..........

.Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 5:14 PM Y


Ahh,so lag why la now

sob sob sob , i am stuck in here .

I am going to die because left 2 more day to go to school but i haven't finsh my kks and homework but posting this thing and watch tv.............

Today still so boring

Pls do not think wrong , i am not smoking ,understand . I'm just 13, hello and i 'm just boring other than that nothing...

TODAY , i almost make a explossion in my house.......luckily my bro close the electric fast if not boom.i don't want talk about it any more....

Before, i end this post i want to remind my sis something: 2 things to remind

*Thank you for helping me to make my blog more nicer.

*lastly, pls pls do not ever post my pic anymore before i get angry

You know what is the meaning angry right......................Now is raining i better stop



Name: Icy-latt3 aka Aitori

Anything about HER-. :D

A kind gal =p with a soft heart..

Becareful with HER heart it's fragile..

Dare to break it?

i'll search for you and say


Latt3's DESIRE
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

tagboard. CBOX?

Latt3's Honoured SiteY

Nica aka my lovely sis


ミク時計(Miku Clock)

click on it!


Designer: bw0kensmile-x
Inspiration , Basscode
Image Hosting: photobucket.com
Image Hosting: imageshack.us
Tagboard: cbox.ws.com

Leave the credits alone, thanks :D